Slough Early Years Service provides a comprehensive schedule of training opportunities designed to support providers to manage their CPD and statutory duties regarding safeguarding and child protection, paediatric first aid and food hygiene.
There are a range of free entitlements that enable families to have funded early education places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Slough Early Years Service co ordinates information about these entitlements and manages the payments to Early Years Providers for the provision of free places.
The Early Years Foundation Stage extends from birth to five and is underpinned by the EYFS Statutory framework . The EYFS Statutory Framework is for all early years providers in England: It outlines the statutory requirements in the following areas:
We are working on a range of projects to raise the profile of safeguarding with children and young people through creative ways including drama, arts and digital platforms in PSHE.
Early Help is about identifying the needs of children and families at an early stage to prevent problems escalating, and empowering families to seek and accept tailored, coordinated support that improves the lives of individual children, young people and whole families.
The term ‘early years’ refers to a specific period of time between birth and age five. During this time young children consolidate, through play and exploration, the abilities, knowledge and skills that provide the foundation for their future progress through school and life.