Slough HAF Provider Network

This network has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Holiday Activities and Food Programme Coordinator, Dayo Williams. This information webinar is for all organisations who are interested in delivering a holiday activity and food programme during the Summer holidays.

Lego Therapy Training

Join our event created by Deborah Bowers to help develop key knowledge and skills to effectively run lego based therapy sessions

Summer Holiday Activities and Food Programme Provider Forum

This session has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Holiday Activities and Food Programme Coordinator, Dayo Williams. This information webinar is for all organisations who are interested in delivering a holiday activity and food programme during the Summer holidays. The session will provide an outline of all the criteria required for the holiday programme and an understanding of the grants process.

Paediatric First Aid Training

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Project Support Officer, Aneesa Younus, for the attention of Early Years settings and all professionals working directly with children.

Paediatric First Aid Training

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Project Support Officer, Aneesa Younus, for the attention of Early Years settings and all professionals working directly with children.

Early Years Prevent Training

This training has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Early Years Project Support Officer, Aneesa Younus, for the attention of Early Years Practitioners, Childminders and anyone who requires a refresher course.