This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Health & Wellbeing Project Officer, Susan Dyer, for the attention of Primary School PSHE/Health & Wellbeing Leads.
One of the challenges outlined on the Ofsted research report was the problem of finding high-quality resources to help talk about knife crime with pupils. The Home Office and the PSHE Association have a set of materials for use with Key Stage 3 and 4.
Over the next five years the NHS will fund new Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) working in schools and colleges, building on the support already available. The trailblazer sites will be set up in between one-fifth and one quarter of the country by 2023 to 2024.
The Office of Police Crime Commissioner and the Safer Slough Partnership will offer a range of initiatives across phases from awareness to targeted detached work in schools. The project has a range of interventions from broad reach awareness raising in schools to targeted intervention with young people already involved in gangs and knife crime
The latest version of the Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Social Media Library can be found on this page. This is not a list of 'dangerous', 'bad' or apps to avoid' but contains details of apps and websites that have been encountered within exploitation investigations or through research that have been used by victims and offenders. This is a continuously changing market and is not an exhaustive list.
This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Prevent Manager, Naheem Bashir, for the attention of Schools and Early Years settings.
This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Education Safeguarding Officer, Jatinder Matharu, for the attention of DSL's in Slough.
This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Education Safeguarding Officer, Jatinder Matharu, for the attention of all Schools and Early Years settings in Slough.
This article has been brought to you by Slough Borough Council's Prevent Manager, Naheem Bashir, for the attention of Headteachers in Slough Secondary Schools.